From the President MCC Mark Nicholas
1 May 2024
Dear Nigel,
I enjoyed meeting you last Thursday, and I greatly respect your dedication to, and knowledge of, the Club garnered over the many years of your membership.
Having said that, our handshake was in no way an affirmation that I necessarily agree with everything you say. It was – as might be usual among friends after a good lunch – a handshake of genuine warmth and friendship.
I am not yet Chair of the MCC. I note the points you raise about the ‘legality’ of the procedures the Club follow at the AGM, and, if my appointment is confirmed, I will ask our legal team to respond to the points you raise in due course. I personally believe the Club conducts its business lawfully and yours is the only dissenting voice I have heard, but I will undertake to establish this beyond all doubt if I find myself at the helm.
Like you, I wish only to see our Club run along democratic lines with good governance structures. I have no other agenda, and would certainly wish to dispel any notion of conspiracy within the Club.
In respect of your questions about the accounts, I will ask the Treasurer to respond to you directly, if answers do not emerge at the AGM.
Meanwhile, I hope to enjoy today. To be President of MCC at an AGM is a formidable challenge but, more importantly, a great honour. I shall give it my best shot and, in doing so, hope collegiate debate and progress make it a worthwhile and enjoyable meeting for all.
As a good friend of mine likes to say – some things you can change, others you can’t, and knowing the difference applies to us all!
With good wishes,
Mark’s tone changes in his e-letter sent 7 months later (click link below) in which he has arranged for the President MCC Lord King to add his signature. The President’s traditional role is as the Club ambassador and his action is somewhat unusual a I have never met nor spoken to Lord King. Indeed my request to meet him was rebuffed because he was “too busy”!